Each region or country has its own culture. Literally culture is unwritten law which applicable in the community. As long I stay in Japan there is one of culture language which is inherent in the community and it's flourished from one generation to another. I called it "GAO Culture".
GAO is acronym from word Gomen, Arigato and Onegai. Each of word have meaning: gomen mean sorry/pardon, arigato mean thank you, and onegai mean please. These words are often used by Japanese society when conversing with each other.
Maybe for some people, especially foreigner seem so strange to said these words. But if you often using these words in conversation you can valued have a nice attitude.
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Allahuakbar....Allahuakbar...Allahuakbar....... lebaran telah tiba saya mewakili segenap blogger pomosda mengucapkan,Minal 'aidzin wal Fa'dzin....
minal aidzin lho gan,,,,,
mampir donk,,, masak di sapa ga pernah mampir,,,udah tak bikinin kolak duit to lhoooo...
ya temenx diajak juga ga apa2,masih banyak ko persediaannya bt tamu2 qtercinta.
Yes it is very true that each country each region have own culture, traditions and a way of thinking ..but still their is some similarity between human being which make us social.
Postingan tahun 2009, sekarang tahun 2011 berarti sudah 2 tahun, waktunya untuk berkomentar..
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